Transform Ideas into Reality
with SaaS JumpStart

SaaS JumpStart empowers you to build, launch, and scale your SaaS application like never before with speed and precision.

Powered By

Next.js 14PrismaAuth.jsResendshadcn/uiStripe

Your All-in-One SaaS Solution

Why Choose SaaS JumpStart?


Create and send transactional emails powered by Resend. Preview email while developingPreview emails in local


Accept payments securely with Stripe. Create custom pricing plans and effortlessly manage subscriptions.


Seamlessly log in with Google, GitHub, or your credentials. Ensure security with protected pages and routes, and set up email authentication.


Enhance your UI with Shadcn UI. Enjoy high customizability and leverage a range of pre-built components.


Choose from MySQL, MongoDB, or Postgres. Utilize the power of Prisma-powered ORM and preview emails locally.


Optimize your site for search engines, leverage Next.js server actions, and get ready for file upload setup with S3.


I got this awesome boilerplate and having the payments setup with Stripe + user auth is a blessing. This will save me like a week of work for each new side project I spin up.

